It’s here! The next version of OpenFL is now final. Thank you to all of our contributors, testers and Patreon supporters.

We are on an exciting road together as we move toward one combined codebase, you can read more about the new Lime library and the combined codebase in the OpenFL 2.1 Beta or the summer development update. For stability, we are not switching to a new codebase for native, but have instead made bug fix improvements, and have integrated the ability to test the new (not yet complete) “next” codebase using -Dnext or -Dopenfl-next. Flash and HTML5 already use the “next” code.

How to Install

If you already have OpenFL, you should be able to upgrade like this:

lime upgrade openfl

If you are installing for the first time, you can use:

haxelib install lime
haxelib run lime setup
lime install openfl

If you have trouble with downloading any packages over haxelib, you can also download Lime and OpenFL manually:

Then you can install using “haxelib local”:

haxelib local
haxelib local
haxelib run lime setup
October 14, 2014 | View Comments
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