We are proud to announce that a new version of Starling 1.8 has been released on Haxelib!

This release was made possible by the work of Pete Shand and the “haxeling” project, and major improvements to core OpenFL support for Stage3D APIs, contributed by Zynga, vroad and other members of the OpenFL team.

OpenFL 4.3.1 is now available, correcting minor issues affecting the Starling demo.


Edit: The performance of the benchmark in the above demo might be impacted due to running in an iframe. If you would like to more reliably test the benchmark score of your machine, please try this direct link to the demo.


Starling and OpenFL are both available on Haxelib, for a full install, run the following commands:

haxelib install openfl
haxelib run openfl setup
haxelib install starling

You can create a copy of the Starling demo to build and run using the following command:

openfl create starling demo StarlingDemo


Please let us know if you experience issues using OpenFL or Starling, you can use the forums, Slack or Github

October 13, 2016 | View Comments
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