
new ()


read onlywrite onlylength:Int

The length of the stream in bytes.


getBytes ():Bytes

Returns the Bytes of this output.

This function should not be called more than once on a given BytesOutput instance.

Inherited Variables

Defined by Output


Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Endianness (word byte order) used when writing numbers.

If true, big-endian is used, otherwise little-endian is used.

Inherited Methods

Defined by Output

close ():Void

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Close the output.

Behaviour while writing after calling this method is unspecified.

write (s:Bytes):Void

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Write all bytes stored in s.

writeFullBytes (s:Bytes, pos:Int, len:Int):Void

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Write len bytes from s starting by position specified by pos.

Unlike writeBytes, this method tries to write the exact len amount of bytes.

writeInput (i:Input, ?bufsize:Int):Void

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Read all available data from i and write it.

The bufsize optional argument specifies the size of chunks by which data is read and written. Its default value is 4096.

writeInt32 (x:Int):Void

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Write x as 32-bit signed integer.

Endianness is specified by the bigEndian property.

writeString (s:String):Void

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Write s string.

writeUInt16 (x:Int):Void

Available on Neko, macOS, Linux, Windows

Write x as 16-bit unsigned integer.

Endianness is specified by the bigEndian property.