The SVGAngle interface is used to represent a value that can be an angle or number value. An SVGAngle reflected through the animVal attribute is always read only.

Documentation SVGAngle by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.



read onlyunitType:Int

The type of the value as specified by one of the SVG_ANGLETYPE_* constants defined on this interface.


The value as a floating point value, in user units. Setting this attribute will cause valueInSpecifiedUnits and valueAsString to be updated automatically to reflect this setting.

Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.


The value as a DOMString value, in the units expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will cause value, valueInSpecifiedUnits and unitType to be updated automatically to reflect this setting.

Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code SYNTAX_ERR is raised if the assigned string cannot be parsed as a valid angle. a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.


The value as a floating point value, in the units expressed by unitType. Setting this attribute will cause value and valueAsString to be updated automatically to reflect this setting.

Exceptions on setting: a DOMException with code NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR is raised when the length corresponds to a read only attribute or when the object itself is read only.


convertToSpecifiedUnits (unitType:Int):Void




newValueSpecifiedUnits (unitType:Int, valueInSpecifiedUnits:Float):Void




Static variables

staticinline read onlySVG_ANGLETYPE_DEG:Int = 2

staticinline read onlySVG_ANGLETYPE_GRAD:Int = 4

staticinline read onlySVG_ANGLETYPE_RAD:Int = 3

staticinline read onlySVG_ANGLETYPE_UNKNOWN:Int = 0

staticinline read onlySVG_ANGLETYPE_UNSPECIFIED:Int = 1