The Event class is used as the base class for the creation of Event objects, which are passed as parameters to event listeners when an event occurs.

The properties of the Event class carry basic information about an event, such as the event's type or whether the event's default behavior can be canceled. For many events, such as the events represented by the Event class constants, this basic information is sufficient. Other events, however, may require more detailed information. Events associated with a mouse click, for example, need to include additional information about the location of the click event and whether any keys were pressed during the click event. You can pass such additional information to event listeners by extending the Event class, which is what the MouseEvent class does. ActionScript 3.0 API defines several Event subclasses for common events that require additional information. Events associated with each of the Event subclasses are described in the documentation for each class.

The methods of the Event class can be used in event listener functions to affect the behavior of the event object. Some events have an associated default behavior. For example, the doubleClick event has an associated default behavior that highlights the word under the mouse pointer at the time of the event. Your event listener can cancel this behavior by calling the preventDefault() method. You can also make the current event listener the last one to process an event by calling the stopPropagation() or stopImmediatePropagation() method.

Other sources of information include:


new (type:String, bubbles:Bool = false, cancelable:Bool = false)

Creates an Event object to pass as a parameter to event listeners.



The type of the event, accessible as Event.type.


Determines whether the Event object participates in the bubbling stage of the event flow. The default value is false.


Determines whether the Event object can be canceled. The default values is false.


read onlybubbles:Bool

Indicates whether an event is a bubbling event. If the event can bubble, this value is true; otherwise it is false.

When an event occurs, it moves through the three phases of the event flow: the capture phase, which flows from the top of the display list hierarchy to the node just before the target node; the target phase, which comprises the target node; and the bubbling phase, which flows from the node subsequent to the target node back up the display list hierarchy.

Some events, such as the activate and unload events, do not have a bubbling phase. The bubbles property has a value of false for events that do not have a bubbling phase.

read onlycancelable:Bool

Indicates whether the behavior associated with the event can be prevented. If the behavior can be canceled, this value is true; otherwise it is false.

read onlycurrentTarget:Any

The object that is actively processing the Event object with an event listener. For example, if a user clicks an OK button, the current target could be the node containing that button or one of its ancestors that has registered an event listener for that event.

read onlyeventPhase:EventPhase

The current phase in the event flow. This property can contain the following numeric values:

  • The capture phase(EventPhase.CAPTURING_PHASE).
  • The target phase(EventPhase.AT_TARGET).
  • The bubbling phase(EventPhase.BUBBLING_PHASE).

read onlytarget:Any

The event target. This property contains the target node. For example, if a user clicks an OK button, the target node is the display list node containing that button.

read onlytype:String

The type of event. The type is case-sensitive.


clone ():Event

Duplicates an instance of an Event subclass.

Returns a new Event object that is a copy of the original instance of the Event object. You do not normally call clone(); the EventDispatcher class calls it automatically when you redispatch an event - that is, when you call dispatchEvent(event) from a handler that is handling event.

The new Event object includes all the properties of the original.

When creating your own custom Event class, you must override the inherited Event.clone() method in order for it to duplicate the properties of your custom class. If you do not set all the properties that you add in your event subclass, those properties will not have the correct values when listeners handle the redispatched event.

In this example, PingEvent is a subclass of Event and therefore implements its own version of clone().


A new Event object that is identical to the original.

formatToString (className:String, ?p1:Dynamic, ?p2:Dynamic, ?p3:Dynamic, ?p4:Dynamic, ?p5:Dynamic):String

isDefaultPrevented ():Bool

Checks whether the preventDefault() method has been called on the event. If the preventDefault() method has been called, returns true; otherwise, returns false.


If preventDefault() has been called, returns true; otherwise, returns false.

preventDefault ():Void

Cancels an event's default behavior if that behavior can be canceled. Many events have associated behaviors that are carried out by default. For example, if a user types a character into a text field, the default behavior is that the character is displayed in the text field. Because the TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT event's default behavior can be canceled, you can use the preventDefault() method to prevent the character from appearing. An example of a behavior that is not cancelable is the default behavior associated with the Event.REMOVED event, which is generated whenever Flash Player is about to remove a display object from the display list. The default behavior (removing the element) cannot be canceled, so the preventDefault() method has no effect on this default behavior. You can use the Event.cancelable property to check whether you can prevent the default behavior associated with a particular event. If the value of Event.cancelable is true, then preventDefault() can be used to cancel the event; otherwise, preventDefault() has no effect.

stopImmediatePropagation ():Void

Prevents processing of any event listeners in the current node and any subsequent nodes in the event flow. This method takes effect immediately, and it affects event listeners in the current node. In contrast, the stopPropagation() method doesn't take effect until all the event listeners in the current node finish processing.

Note: This method does not cancel the behavior associated with this event; see preventDefault() for that functionality.

stopPropagation ():Void

Prevents processing of any event listeners in nodes subsequent to the current node in the event flow. This method does not affect any event listeners in the current node(currentTarget). In contrast, the stopImmediatePropagation() method prevents processing of event listeners in both the current node and subsequent nodes. Additional calls to this method have no effect. This method can be called in any phase of the event flow.

Note: This method does not cancel the behavior associated with this event; see preventDefault() for that functionality.

toString ():String

Returns a string containing all the properties of the Event object. The string is in the following format:

[Event type=_value_ bubbles=_value_ cancelable=_value_]


A string containing all the properties of the Event object.

Static variables

staticinline read onlyACTIVATE:String = "activate"

The ACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of an activate event object.

Note: This event has neither a "capture phase" nor a "bubble phase", which means that event listeners must be added directly to any potential targets, whether the target is on the display list or not.

AIR for TV devices never automatically dispatch this event. You can, however, dispatch it manually.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyADDED:String = "added"

The Event.ADDED constant defines the value of the type property of an added event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyADDED_TO_STAGE:String = "addedToStage"

The Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE constant defines the value of the type property of an addedToStage event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyCANCEL:String = "cancel"

The Event.CANCEL constant defines the value of the type property of a cancel event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyCHANGE:String = "change"

The Event.CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of a change event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyCLEAR:String = "clear"

staticinline read onlyCLOSE:String = "close"

The Event.CLOSE constant defines the value of the type property of a close event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyCOMPLETE:String = "complete"

The Event.COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a complete event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyCONNECT:String = "connect"

The Event.CONNECT constant defines the value of the type property of a connect event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyCONTEXT3D_CREATE:String = "context3DCreate"

staticinline read onlyCOPY:String = "copy"

staticinline read onlyCUT:String = "cut"

staticinline read onlyDEACTIVATE:String = "deactivate"

The Event.DEACTIVATE constant defines the value of the type property of a deactivate event object.

Note: This event has neither a "capture phase" nor a "bubble phase", which means that event listeners must be added directly to any potential targets, whether the target is on the display list or not.

AIR for TV devices never automatically dispatch this event. You can, however, dispatch it manually.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyENTER_FRAME:String = "enterFrame"

The Event.ENTER_FRAME constant defines the value of the type property of an enterFrame event object.

Note: This event has neither a "capture phase" nor a "bubble phase", which means that event listeners must be added directly to any potential targets, whether the target is on the display list or not.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyEXIT_FRAME:String = "exitFrame"

staticinline read onlyFRAME_CONSTRUCTED:String = "frameConstructed"

staticinline read onlyFRAME_LABEL:String = "frameLabel"

staticinline read onlyFULLSCREEN:String = "fullScreen"

staticinline read onlyID3:String = "id3"

The Event.ID3 constant defines the value of the type property of an id3 event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyINIT:String = "init"

The Event.INIT constant defines the value of the type property of an init event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyMOUSE_LEAVE:String = "mouseLeave"

The Event.MOUSE_LEAVE constant defines the value of the type property of a mouseLeave event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyOPEN:String = "open"

The Event.OPEN constant defines the value of the type property of an open event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyPASTE:String = "paste"

staticinline read onlyREMOVED:String = "removed"

The Event.REMOVED constant defines the value of the type property of a removed event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyREMOVED_FROM_STAGE:String = "removedFromStage"

The Event.REMOVED_FROM_STAGE constant defines the value of the type property of a removedFromStage event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyRENDER:String = "render"

The Event.RENDER constant defines the value of the type property of a render event object.

Note: This event has neither a "capture phase" nor a "bubble phase", which means that event listeners must be added directly to any potential targets, whether the target is on the display list or not.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyRESIZE:String = "resize"

The Event.RESIZE constant defines the value of the type property of a resize event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlySCROLL:String = "scroll"

The Event.SCROLL constant defines the value of the type property of a scroll event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlySELECT:String = "select"

The Event.SELECT constant defines the value of the type property of a select event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlySELECT_ALL:String = "selectAll"

staticinline read onlySOUND_COMPLETE:String = "soundComplete"

The Event.SOUND_COMPLETE constant defines the value of the type property of a soundComplete event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyTAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE:String = "tabChildrenChange"

The Event.TAB_CHILDREN_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of a tabChildrenChange event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyTAB_ENABLED_CHANGE:String = "tabEnabledChange"

The Event.TAB_ENABLED_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of a tabEnabledChange event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyTAB_INDEX_CHANGE:String = "tabIndexChange"

The Event.TAB_INDEX_CHANGE constant defines the value of the type property of a tabIndexChange event object.

This event has the following properties:

staticinline read onlyTEXTURE_READY:String = "textureReady"

staticinline read onlyUNLOAD:String = "unload"

The Event.UNLOAD constant defines the value of the type property of an unload event object.

This event has the following properties: