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Enumeration InterpolationMethod

The InterpolationMethod class provides values for the interpolationMethod parameter in the Graphics.beginGradientFill() and Graphics.lineGradientStyle() methods. This parameter determines the RGB space to use when rendering the gradient.


Enumeration members

Enumeration members


LINEAR_RGB: = "linearRGB"

Specifies that the RGB interpolation method should be used. This means that the gradient is rendered with exponential sRGB(standard RGB) space. The sRGB space is a W3C-endorsed standard that defines a non-linear conversion between red, green, and blue component values and the actual intensity of the visible component color.

For example, consider a simple linear gradient between two colors(with the spreadMethod parameter set to SpreadMethod.REFLECT). The different interpolation methods affect the appearance as follows:


RGB: = "rgb"

Specifies that the RGB interpolation method should be used. This means that the gradient is rendered with exponential sRGB(standard RGB) space. The sRGB space is a W3C-endorsed standard that defines a non-linear conversion between red, green, and blue component values and the actual intensity of the visible component color.

For example, consider a simple linear gradient between two colors(with the spreadMethod parameter set to SpreadMethod.REFLECT). The different interpolation methods affect the appearance as follows:

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