The Graphics class contains a set of methods that you can use to create a vector shape. Display objects that support drawing include Sprite and Shape objects. Each of these classes includes a graphics property that is a Graphics object. The following are among those helper functions provided for ease of use: drawRect(), drawRoundRect(), drawCircle(), and drawEllipse().

You cannot create a Graphics object directly from ActionScript code. If you call new Graphics(), an exception is thrown.

The Graphics class is final; it cannot be subclassed.


beginBitmapFill (bitmap:BitmapData, ?matrix:Matrix, repeat:Bool = true, smooth:Bool = false):Void

Fills a drawing area with a bitmap image. The bitmap can be repeated or tiled to fill the area. The fill remains in effect until you call the beginFill(), beginBitmapFill(), beginGradientFill(), or beginShaderFill() method. Calling the clear() method clears the fill.

The application renders the fill whenever three or more points are drawn, or when the endFill() method is called.



A transparent or opaque bitmap image that contains the bits to be displayed.


A matrix object(of the openfl.geom.Matrix class), which you can use to define transformations on the bitmap. For example, you can use the following matrix to rotate a bitmap by 45 degrees(pi/4 radians):


If true, the bitmap image repeats in a tiled pattern. If false, the bitmap image does not repeat, and the edges of the bitmap are used for any fill area that extends beyond the bitmap.

For example, consider the following bitmap(a 20 x 20-pixel checkerboard pattern):

When repeat is set to true(as in the following example), the bitmap fill repeats the bitmap:

When repeat is set to false, the bitmap fill uses the edge pixels for the fill area outside the bitmap:


If false, upscaled bitmap images are rendered by using a nearest-neighbor algorithm and look pixelated. If true, upscaled bitmap images are rendered by using a bilinear algorithm. Rendering by using the nearest neighbor algorithm is faster.

beginFill (color:UInt = 0, alpha:Float = 1):Void

Specifies a simple one-color fill that subsequent calls to other Graphics methods(such as lineTo() or drawCircle()) use when drawing. The fill remains in effect until you call the beginFill(), beginBitmapFill(), beginGradientFill(), or beginShaderFill() method. Calling the clear() method clears the fill.

The application renders the fill whenever three or more points are drawn, or when the endFill() method is called.



The color of the fill(0xRRGGBB).


The alpha value of the fill(0.0 to 1.0).

beginGradientFill (type:GradientType, colors:Array<UInt>, alphas:Array<Float>, ratios:Array<Int>, ?matrix:Matrix, ?spreadMethod:SpreadMethod, ?interpolationMethod:InterpolationMethod, ?focalPointRatio:Float):Void

Specifies a gradient fill used by subsequent calls to other Graphics methods(such as lineTo() or drawCircle()) for the object. The fill remains in effect until you call the beginFill(), beginBitmapFill(), beginGradientFill(), or beginShaderFill() method. Calling the clear() method clears the fill.

The application renders the fill whenever three or more points are drawn, or when the endFill() method is called.



A value from the GradientType class that specifies which gradient type to use: GradientType.LINEAR or GradientType.RADIAL.


A transformation matrix as defined by the openfl.geom.Matrix class. The openfl.geom.Matrix class includes a createGradientBox() method, which lets you conveniently set up the matrix for use with the beginGradientFill() method.


A value from the SpreadMethod class that specifies which spread method to use, either: SpreadMethod.PAD, SpreadMethod.REFLECT, or SpreadMethod.REPEAT.

For example, consider a simple linear gradient between two colors:

This example uses SpreadMethod.PAD for the spread method, and the gradient fill looks like the following:

If you use SpreadMethod.REFLECT for the spread method, the gradient fill looks like the following:

If you use SpreadMethod.REPEAT for the spread method, the gradient fill looks like the following:


A value from the InterpolationMethod class that specifies which value to use: InterpolationMethod.LINEAR_RGB or InterpolationMethod.RGB

For example, consider a simple linear gradient between two colors(with the spreadMethod parameter set to SpreadMethod.REFLECT). The different interpolation methods affect the appearance as follows:


A number that controls the location of the focal point of the gradient. 0 means that the focal point is in the center. 1 means that the focal point is at one border of the gradient circle. -1 means that the focal point is at the other border of the gradient circle. A value less than -1 or greater than 1 is rounded to -1 or 1. For example, the following example shows a focalPointRatio set to 0.75:



If the type parameter is not valid.

clear ():Void

Clears the graphics that were drawn to this Graphics object, and resets fill and line style settings.

copyFrom (sourceGraphics:Graphics):Void

cubicCurveTo (controlX1:Float, controlY1:Float, controlX2:Float, controlY2:Float, anchorX:Float, anchorY:Float):Void

curveTo (controlX:Float, controlY:Float, anchorX:Float, anchorY:Float):Void

Draws a curve using the current line style from the current drawing position to(anchorX, anchorY) and using the control point that (controlX, controlY) specifies. The current drawing position is then set to(anchorX, anchorY). If the movie clip in which you are drawing contains content created with the Flash drawing tools, calls to the curveTo() method are drawn underneath this content. If you call the curveTo() method before any calls to the moveTo() method, the default of the current drawing position is(0, 0). If any of the parameters are missing, this method fails and the current drawing position is not changed.

The curve drawn is a quadratic Bezier curve. Quadratic Bezier curves consist of two anchor points and one control point. The curve interpolates the two anchor points and curves toward the control point.



A number that specifies the horizontal position of the control point relative to the registration point of the parent display object.


A number that specifies the vertical position of the control point relative to the registration point of the parent display object.


A number that specifies the horizontal position of the next anchor point relative to the registration point of the parent display object.


A number that specifies the vertical position of the next anchor point relative to the registration point of the parent display object.

drawCircle (x:Float, y:Float, radius:Float):Void

Draws a circle. Set the line style, fill, or both before you call the drawCircle() method, by calling the linestyle(), lineGradientStyle(), beginFill(), beginGradientFill(), or beginBitmapFill() method.



The x location of the center of the circle relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).


The y location of the center of the circle relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).


The radius of the circle(in pixels).

drawEllipse (x:Float, y:Float, width:Float, height:Float):Void

Draws an ellipse. Set the line style, fill, or both before you call the drawEllipse() method, by calling the linestyle(), lineGradientStyle(), beginFill(), beginGradientFill(), or beginBitmapFill() method.



The x location of the top-left of the bounding-box of the ellipse relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).


The y location of the top left of the bounding-box of the ellipse relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).


The width of the ellipse(in pixels).


The height of the ellipse(in pixels).

drawGraphicsData (graphicsData:Vector<IGraphicsData>):Void

Submits a series of IGraphicsData instances for drawing. This method accepts a Vector containing objects including paths, fills, and strokes that implement the IGraphicsData interface. A Vector of IGraphicsData instances can refer to a part of a shape, or a complex fully defined set of data for rendering a complete shape.

Graphics paths can contain other graphics paths. If the graphicsData Vector includes a path, that path and all its sub-paths are rendered during this operation.

drawPath (commands:Vector<Int>, data:Vector<Float>, ?winding:GraphicsPathWinding):Void

Submits a series of commands for drawing. The drawPath() method uses vector arrays to consolidate individual moveTo(), lineTo(), and curveTo() drawing commands into a single call. The drawPath() method parameters combine drawing commands with x- and y-coordinate value pairs and a drawing direction. The drawing commands are values from the GraphicsPathCommand class. The x- and y-coordinate value pairs are Numbers in an array where each pair defines a coordinate location. The drawing direction is a value from the GraphicsPathWinding class.

Generally, drawings render faster with drawPath() than with a series of individual lineTo() and curveTo() methods.

The drawPath() method uses a uses a floating computation so rotation and scaling of shapes is more accurate and gives better results. However, curves submitted using the drawPath() method can have small sub-pixel alignment errors when used in conjunction with the lineTo() and curveTo() methods.

The drawPath() method also uses slightly different rules for filling and drawing lines. They are:

  • When a fill is applied to rendering a path:

  • A sub-path of less than 3 points is not rendered.(But note that the stroke rendering will still occur, consistent with the rules for strokes below.)

  • A sub-path that isn't closed(the end point is not equal to the begin point) is implicitly closed.

  • When a stroke is applied to rendering a path:

  • The sub-paths can be composed of any number of points.

  • The sub-path is never implicitly closed.



Specifies the winding rule using a value defined in the GraphicsPathWinding class.

drawRect (x:Float, y:Float, width:Float, height:Float):Void

Draws a rectangle. Set the line style, fill, or both before you call the drawRect() method, by calling the linestyle(), lineGradientStyle(), beginFill(), beginGradientFill(), or beginBitmapFill() method.



A number indicating the horizontal position relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).


A number indicating the vertical position relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).


The width of the rectangle(in pixels).


The height of the rectangle(in pixels).



If the width or height parameters are not a number


drawRoundRect (x:Float, y:Float, width:Float, height:Float, ellipseWidth:Float, ?ellipseHeight:Float):Void

Draws a rounded rectangle. Set the line style, fill, or both before you call the drawRoundRect() method, by calling the linestyle(), lineGradientStyle(), beginFill(), beginGradientFill(), or beginBitmapFill() method.



A number indicating the horizontal position relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).


A number indicating the vertical position relative to the registration point of the parent display object

                (in pixels).

The width of the round rectangle(in pixels).


The height of the round rectangle(in pixels).


The width of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners(in pixels).


The height of the ellipse used to draw the rounded corners(in pixels). Optional; if no value is specified, the default value matches that provided for the ellipseWidth parameter.



If the width, height, ellipseWidth or ellipseHeight parameters are not a number(Number.NaN).

drawRoundRectComplex (x:Float, y:Float, width:Float, height:Float, topLeftRadius:Float, topRightRadius:Float, bottomLeftRadius:Float, bottomRightRadius:Float):Void

drawTriangles (vertices:Vector<Float>, ?indices:Vector<Int>, ?uvtData:Vector<Float>, ?culling:TriangleCulling):Void

Renders a set of triangles, typically to distort bitmaps and give them a three-dimensional appearance. The drawTriangles() method maps either the current fill, or a bitmap fill, to the triangle faces using a set of(u,v) coordinates.

Any type of fill can be used, but if the fill has a transform matrix that transform matrix is ignored.

A uvtData parameter improves texture mapping when a bitmap fill is used.



Specifies whether to render triangles that face in a specified direction. This parameter prevents the rendering of triangles that cannot be seen in the current view. This parameter can be set to any value defined by the TriangleCulling class.

endFill ():Void

Applies a fill to the lines and curves that were added since the last call to the beginFill(), beginGradientFill(), or beginBitmapFill() method. Flash uses the fill that was specified in the previous call to the beginFill(), beginGradientFill(), or beginBitmapFill() method. If the current drawing position does not equal the previous position specified in a moveTo() method and a fill is defined, the path is closed with a line and then filled.

lineBitmapStyle (bitmap:BitmapData, ?matrix:Matrix, repeat:Bool = true, smooth:Bool = false):Void

Specifies a bitmap to use for the line stroke when drawing lines.

The bitmap line style is used for subsequent calls to Graphics methods such as the lineTo() method or the drawCircle() method. The line style remains in effect until you call the lineStyle() or lineGradientStyle() methods, or the lineBitmapStyle() method again with different parameters.

You can call the lineBitmapStyle() method in the middle of drawing a path to specify different styles for different line segments within a path.

Call the lineStyle() method before you call the lineBitmapStyle() method to enable a stroke, or else the value of the line style is undefined.

Calls to the clear() method set the line style back to undefined.



The bitmap to use for the line stroke.


An optional transformation matrix as defined by the openfl.geom.Matrix class. The matrix can be used to scale or otherwise manipulate the bitmap before applying it to the line style.


Whether to repeat the bitmap in a tiled fashion.


Whether smoothing should be applied to the bitmap.

lineGradientStyle (type:GradientType, colors:Array<UInt>, alphas:Array<Float>, ratios:Array<Int>, ?matrix:Matrix, ?spreadMethod:SpreadMethod, ?interpolationMethod:InterpolationMethod, ?focalPointRatio:Float):Void

Specifies a gradient to use for the stroke when drawing lines.

The gradient line style is used for subsequent calls to Graphics methods such as the lineTo() methods or the drawCircle() method. The line style remains in effect until you call the lineStyle() or lineBitmapStyle() methods, or the lineGradientStyle() method again with different parameters.

You can call the lineGradientStyle() method in the middle of drawing a path to specify different styles for different line segments within a path.

Call the lineStyle() method before you call the lineGradientStyle() method to enable a stroke, or else the value of the line style is undefined.

Calls to the clear() method set the line style back to undefined.



A value from the GradientType class that specifies which gradient type to use, either GradientType.LINEAR or GradientType.RADIAL.


A transformation matrix as defined by the openfl.geom.Matrix class. The openfl.geom.Matrix class includes a createGradientBox() method, which lets you conveniently set up the matrix for use with the lineGradientStyle() method.


A value from the SpreadMethod class that specifies which spread method to use:


A value from the InterpolationMethod class that specifies which value to use. For example, consider a simple linear gradient between two colors(with the spreadMethod parameter set to SpreadMethod.REFLECT). The different interpolation methods affect the appearance as follows:


A number that controls the location of the focal point of the gradient. The value 0 means the focal point is in the center. The value 1 means the focal point is at one border of the gradient circle. The value -1 means that the focal point is at the other border of the gradient circle. Values less than -1 or greater than 1 are rounded to -1 or 1. The following image shows a gradient with a focalPointRatio of -0.75:

lineStyle (?thickness:Float, ?color:UInt, ?alpha:Float, ?pixelHinting:Bool, ?scaleMode:LineScaleMode, ?caps:CapsStyle, ?joints:JointStyle, miterLimit:Float = 3):Void

Specifies a line style used for subsequent calls to Graphics methods such as the lineTo() method or the drawCircle() method. The line style remains in effect until you call the lineGradientStyle() method, the lineBitmapStyle() method, or the lineStyle() method with different parameters.

You can call the lineStyle() method in the middle of drawing a path to specify different styles for different line segments within the path.

Note: Calls to the clear() method set the line style back to undefined.

Note: Flash Lite 4 supports only the first three parameters (thickness, color, and alpha).



An integer that indicates the thickness of the line in points; valid values are 0-255. If a number is not specified, or if the parameter is undefined, a line is not drawn. If a value of less than 0 is passed, the default is 0. The value 0 indicates hairline thickness; the maximum thickness is 255. If a value greater than 255 is passed, the default is 255.


A hexadecimal color value of the line; for example, red is 0xFF0000, blue is 0x0000FF, and so on. If a value is not indicated, the default is 0x000000

               (black). Optional.

A number that indicates the alpha value of the color of the line; valid values are 0 to 1. If a value is not indicated, the default is 1(solid). If the value is less than 0, the default is 0. If the value is greater than 1, the default is 1.


supported in Flash Lite 4) A Boolean value that specifies whether to hint strokes to full pixels. This affects both the position of anchors of a curve and the line stroke size itself. With pixelHinting set to true, line widths are adjusted to full pixel widths. With pixelHinting set to false, disjoints can appear for curves and straight lines. For example, the following illustrations show how Flash Player or Adobe AIR renders two rounded rectangles that are identical, except that the pixelHinting parameter used in the lineStyle() method is set differently

               (the images are scaled by 200%, to emphasize the


If a value is not supplied, the line does not use pixel hinting.


(Not supported in Flash Lite 4) A value from the LineScaleMode class that specifies which scale mode to use:

  • LineScaleMode.NORMAL - Always scale the line thickness when the object is scaled

               (the default). 
  • LineScaleMode.NONE - Never scale the line thickness.
  • LineScaleMode.VERTICAL - Do not scale the line thickness if the object is scaled vertically only. For example, consider the following circles, drawn with a one-pixel line, and each with the scaleMode parameter set to LineScaleMode.VERTICAL. The circle on the left is scaled vertically only, and the circle on the right is scaled both vertically and horizontally:

  • LineScaleMode.HORIZONTAL - Do not scale the line thickness if the object is scaled horizontally only. For example, consider the following circles, drawn with a one-pixel line, and each with the scaleMode parameter set to LineScaleMode.HORIZONTAL. The circle on the left is scaled horizontally only, and the circle on the right is scaled both vertically and horizontally:


(Not supported in Flash Lite 4) A value from the CapsStyle class that specifies the type of caps at the end of lines. Valid values are: CapsStyle.NONE, CapsStyle.ROUND, and CapsStyle.SQUARE. If a value is not indicated, Flash uses round caps.

For example, the following illustrations show the different capsStyle settings. For each setting, the illustration shows a blue line with a thickness of 30(for which the capsStyle applies), and a superimposed black line with a thickness of 1(for which no capsStyle applies):


(Not supported in Flash Lite 4) A value from the JointStyle class that specifies the type of joint appearance used at angles. Valid values are: JointStyle.BEVEL, JointStyle.MITER, and JointStyle.ROUND. If a value is not indicated, Flash uses round joints.

For example, the following illustrations show the different joints settings. For each setting, the illustration shows an angled blue line with a thickness of 30(for which the jointStyle applies), and a superimposed angled black line with a thickness of 1(for which no jointStyle applies):

Note: For joints set to JointStyle.MITER, you can use the miterLimit parameter to limit the length of the miter.


(Not supported in Flash Lite 4) A number that indicates the limit at which a miter is cut off. Valid values range from 1 to 255(and values outside that range are rounded to 1 or 255). This value is only used if the jointStyle is set to "miter". The miterLimit value represents the length that a miter can extend beyond the point at which the lines meet to form a joint. The value expresses a factor of the line thickness. For example, with a miterLimit factor of 2.5 and a thickness of 10 pixels, the miter is cut off at 25 pixels.

For example, consider the following angled lines, each drawn with a thickness of 20, but with miterLimit set to 1, 2, and 4. Superimposed are black reference lines showing the meeting points of the joints:

Notice that a given miterLimit value has a specific maximum angle for which the miter is cut off. The following table lists some examples:

lineTo (x:Float, y:Float):Void

Draws a line using the current line style from the current drawing position to(x, y); the current drawing position is then set to(x, y). If the display object in which you are drawing contains content that was created with the Flash drawing tools, calls to the lineTo() method are drawn underneath the content. If you call lineTo() before any calls to the moveTo() method, the default position for the current drawing is(0, 0). If any of the parameters are missing, this method fails and the current drawing position is not changed.



A number that indicates the horizontal position relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).


A number that indicates the vertical position relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).

moveTo (x:Float, y:Float):Void

Moves the current drawing position to(x, y). If any of the parameters are missing, this method fails and the current drawing position is not changed.



A number that indicates the horizontal position relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).


A number that indicates the vertical position relative to the registration point of the parent display object(in pixels).