The LineScaleMode class provides values for the scaleMode parameter in the Graphics.lineStyle() method.


inline read onlyHORIZONTAL:LineScaleMode = 0

With this setting used as the scaleMode parameter of the lineStyle() method, the thickness of the line scales only vertically. For example, consider the following circles, drawn with a one-pixel line, and each with the scaleMode parameter set to LineScaleMode.VERTICAL. The circle on the left is scaled only vertically, and the circle on the right is scaled both vertically and horizontally.

inline read onlyNONE:LineScaleMode = 1

With this setting used as the scaleMode parameter of the lineStyle() method, the thickness of the line never scales.

inline read onlyNORMAL:LineScaleMode = 2

With this setting used as the scaleMode parameter of the lineStyle() method, the thickness of the line always scales when the object is scaled(the default).

inline read onlyVERTICAL:LineScaleMode = 3

With this setting used as the scaleMode parameter of the lineStyle() method, the thickness of the line scales only horizontally. For example, consider the following circles, drawn with a one-pixel line, and each with the scaleMode parameter set to LineScaleMode.HORIZONTAL. The circle on the left is scaled only horizontally, and the circle on the right is scaled both vertically and horizontally.