The URLRequestMethod class provides values that specify whether the URLRequest object should use the POST method or the GET method when sending data to a server.


inline read onlyDELETE:URLRequestMethod = "DELETE"

Specifies that the URLRequest object is a DELETE.

inline read onlyGET:URLRequestMethod = "GET"

Specifies that the URLRequest object is a GET.

inline read onlyHEAD:URLRequestMethod = "HEAD"

Specifies that the URLRequest object is a HEAD.

inline read onlyOPTIONS:URLRequestMethod = "OPTIONS"

Specifies that the URLRequest object is OPTIONS.

inline read onlyPOST:URLRequestMethod = "POST"

Specifies that the URLRequest object is a POST.

Note: For content running in Adobe AIR, when using the navigateToURL() function, the runtime treats a URLRequest that uses the POST method(one that has its method property set to URLRequestMethod.POST) as using the GET method.

inline read onlyPUT:URLRequestMethod = "PUT"

Specifies that the URLRequest object is a PUT.