The TextFormatAlign class provides values for text alignment in the TextFormat class.


inline read onlyCENTER:TextFormatAlign = 0

Constant; centers the text in the text field. Use the syntax TextFormatAlign.CENTER.

inline read onlyEND:TextFormatAlign = 1

inline read onlyJUSTIFY:TextFormatAlign = 2

Constant; justifies text within the text field. Use the syntax TextFormatAlign.JUSTIFY.

inline read onlyLEFT:TextFormatAlign = 3

Constant; aligns text to the left within the text field. Use the syntax TextFormatAlign.LEFT.

inline read onlyRIGHT:TextFormatAlign = 4

Constant; aligns text to the right within the text field. Use the syntax TextFormatAlign.RIGHT.

inline read onlySTART:TextFormatAlign = 5