The SpeechSynthesisEvent interface of the Web Speech API contains information about the current state of SpeechSynthesisUtterance objects that have been processed in the speech service.

Documentation SpeechSynthesisEvent by Mozilla Contributors, licensed under CC-BY-SA 2.5.



new (type:String, eventInitDict:SpeechSynthesisEventInit)





read onlycharIndex:Int

Returns the index position of the character in the SpeechSynthesisUtterance.text that was being spoken when the event was triggered.

read onlyelapsedTime:Float

Returns the elapsed time in milliseconds after theĀ SpeechSynthesisUtterance.text started being spoken that the event was triggered at.

read onlyname:String

Returns the name associated with certain types of events occurring as the SpeechSynthesisUtterance.text is being spoken: the name of the SSML marker reached in the case of a mark event, or the type of boundary reached in the case of a boundary event.

read onlyutterance:SpeechSynthesisUtterance

Returns the SpeechSynthesisUtterance instance that the event was triggered on.

Inherited Variables

Defined by Event

read onlybubbles:Bool

A Boolean indicating whether the event bubbles up through the DOM or not.

read onlycancelable:Bool

A Boolean indicating whether the event is cancelable.

read onlycurrentTarget:EventTarget

A reference to the currently registered target for the event. This is the object to which the event is currently slated to be sent to; it's possible this has been changed along the way through retargeting.

read onlydefaultPrevented:Bool

Indicates whether or not event.preventDefault() has been called on the event.

read onlyeventPhase:Int

Indicates which phase of the event flow is being processed.

read onlyexplicitOriginalTarget:EventTarget

The explicit original target of the event (Mozilla-specific).

read onlyisTrusted:Bool

Indicates whether or not the event was initiated by the browser (after a user click for instance) or by a script (using an event creation method, like event.initEvent)

read onlyoriginalTarget:EventTarget

The original target of the event, before any retargetings (Mozilla-specific).

read onlytarget:EventTarget

A reference to the target to which the event was originally dispatched.

read onlytimeStamp:Float

The time at which the event was created, in milliseconds. By specification, this value is time since epoch, but in reality browsers' definitions vary; in addition, work is underway to change this to be a DOMHighResTimeStamp instead.

read onlytype:String

The name of the event (case-insensitive).

Inherited Methods

Defined by Event

getPreventDefault ():Bool

Non-standard. Returns the value of Event.defaultPrevented. UseĀ Event.defaultPrevented instead.

initEvent (type:String, bubbles:Bool, cancelable:Bool):Void

Initializes the value of an Event created. If the event has already being dispatched, this method does nothing.

preventDefault ():Void

Cancels the event (if it is cancelable).

stopImmediatePropagation ():Void

For this particular event, no other listener will be called. Neither those attached on the same element, nor those attached on elements which will be traversed later (in capture phase, for instance)

stopPropagation ():Void

Stops the propagation of events further along in the DOM.